不妊治療 着床判定〇

A patient who is a female in her 40’s was not getting pregnant easily. She has been performing infertility treatment such as artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), but the results had not been good.
女性には妊娠できる適齢期というものがあり、若く見えても年齢の壁は厳しいです。 35歳で大きな壁があり、妊娠率がぐっと下がります。そして40歳を過ぎると更に低くなります。
Women have the right age to conceive, and even if they look young, the age barrier is severe. At the age of 35, there is a large wall and the pregnancy rate will drop dramatically. And if be over 40, the pregnancy rate will be even lower.
The cause is the deterioration of ovum quality.
But Yumeiho can improve the quality of ovum by improving blood circulation in the patient’s pelvis and activating her gynecological organs.
This woman in her 40s was able to confirm the implantation of a fertilized egg this time by treating Yumeiho in addition to infertility treatment at the hospital! Congratulations!!
(Yumeiho Center : Ozaki)